Welcome to the Tales of the Not-So Super Squad. Three misfit characters will find adventure and villains, using their particularly strange super powers to thwart evil plots, and ultimately save the day!

Meet Jane

Her deep chestnut hair, with streaks of blue and pink, is striking in the sunlight. The messy bun at the nape of her neck, with silver sparkles woven throughout gives her a bit of a princess look. Her laughter could charm a toad from hiding, and her bright eyes dance with joy.

At 12 years old, Jane is ready to take on the world. She is the middle child of three – which has its moments, but generally – as with all middle children – Jane often feels overlooked. That said, her spirit and astonishing debating skills draw plenty of attention, and she often finds herself in hot water. Jane knows how things are, how they should be. Everything has a time and a place.

Jane has expectations, big ones. She greets each morning with a sleepy smile, and a plan. She has a particular style, wild though carefully thought out. Jane often wears bright colors that do not necessarily match. Often found in a colorful plaid skirt, with neon leggings and a contrasting polka-dot top. The messy bun is the icing on the cake; styled to create the illusion that Jane lives for the moment, not a care in the world. Do not be misled; all of this is by design. When things fall out of place for Jane, she struggles, longing for the plan to stay its course.

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